With deep industry knowledge, HAA is uniquely positioned to assist ILS fund managers and institutional investors in building a competitive advantage and gaining insight into their portfolios through sophisticated analytics, advanced data visualization, easy-to-use reporting tools, and fair-market valuation. As an independent third party, we can:
Provide unbiased assessment of the fund managers' performance through robust metrics on a forward-looking basis
Optimize allocation of assets based on investors' risk appetite and long-term strategic objectives
Perform monthly aggregation/concentration analysis to individual pension funds/sovereign funds for all their ILS investments
Examples of questions that we can address for institutional investors include:
How should we allocate the investments into different fund managers in order to maximize the risk adjusted return?
How can we assess the credibility of financial projection and strategic plan of individual fund managers?
How can we maximize the liquidity of our investments?
How do we know that a fund manager is utilizing the latest pricing techniques in risk selection?
How can we aggregate risk reports from various ILS fund managers to form a holistic view of the risk profile for our investments?
In addition, we can also help ILS fund managers in fine-tuning their risk selection process, gaining deeper understanding of the pros and cons associated with different catastrophe models, and formulating proprietary views on risks.
We strive to ensure the proper transfer of knowledge from us to our clients with a more hands-on approach, believing that transparency is the key for the continued growth of the ILS market.